March 26, 1994, Eddie Kieger was in a motorcycle accident
in which he sustained a severe brain injury.
web site is dedicated to Eddie, his family and his friends.
Here you'll find Eddie's story, a story of a community rising
up to help one of it's own, and many ways to lend a hand.
to all of you who have been a part of this ongoing effort.
Your continued support has a profound affect on Eddie's quality
of life.
ride with EKIII.

courtesy of John Stafford |
Jul 25, 2016
- The 2016 Run is on! The
2014 EKIII Run for Eddie's Birthday, will be held August 5, 6, and 7
at Hide-A-Way Lakes Campground on OH 84, southwest
of Ashtabula, OH. Click [here] for additional information.
Feb 28, 2014
- The 2014 Run is on! The
2014 EKIII Run for Eddie's Birthday, will be held August 1, 2, and 3
at Hide-A-Way Lakes Campground on OH 84, southwest
of Ashtabula, OH. Click [here] for all
the gruesome details.
22, 2012 - The 2012 Run is on! The
2012 EKIII Run for Eddie's Birthday, will be held August 3, 4, and 5,
6 & 7 at Hide-A-Way Lakes Campground on OH 84, southwest
of Ashtabula, OH. Click [here] for all
the gruesome details. or just show up and sleep somewhere!
10. 2010 - The Run is done. 28
bikes, and close to 50 people just showed up for the run this
go to the the Shein's for the advance set up, clean up, and
pancakes in between! The Frito family did a great slow-cooked
pulled pork dinner on Saturday, and George (The Corn Whisperer)
cooked fresh corn in the campfire coals! Contributions to
cover dinner expenses came out way ahead and were donated
to the EK III fund.
The weather
was perfect.
the last several years, folks have commented on how Eddie
seemed more animated and responsive than in previous years.
The same was noted this year. He clearly was responding to
stories with bright eyes and big belly laughs. As Ann was
leaving Saturday night, she thanked each of us, and told us
how important this annual run is to Eddie.
29, 2010 You are the web cam!
Steve Shein set up a 2010 folder in Picassa. Upload your photos
to eddierun.ekr2010@picasaweb.com. Put your captions in the Subject
field of your email. View them [here]
7, 2009 -
Ann reports that Eddie has been speaking a word or two on occasion.
Everything is prompted, and mere repetition, nothing in the way
of what you'd call communication. But it's the first *I've* known
him to even attempt uttering a word! Ann has had Eddie receiving
hyperbaric O2 Treatments for a while now. She Attributes the recent
attempts at speech as well as other incremental improvements to
this. - TL
20, 2006 - Eddie Update - Eddie's improvement over the last
several months is nothing short of amazing! Ann sez he's in the
best spirits she and EKII have seen since the accident! [More]
24, 2004 - Eddie Has His Van! - An intense fundraising effort
by the online community paid off today when Eddie took delivery
of a new wheelchair accessible van. Click [here]
for the story, pictures and a letter from Ann.
2, 2002 - Sign Eddie's "Best Wishes" card click